Ever wanted to know how you too can be unhappy and dissatisfied in life? Look no further! These three ways to NOT find happiness will put you on the fast track to dissatisfaction and discontentment. Enjoy! Or.. don’t enjoy?

1. Never try new things.

New experiences are overrated. The best recipe for non-happiness is to keep a mundane routine that you intend to keep until you die.

New experiences force you to explore the present moment and focus on what’s in front of you, instead of melding into the familiar comfort of a non-changing day-to-day grind that results in burnout or depression.

Say no to new experiences, and yes to only familiarity.

2. Always indulge your craving for MORE.

Contentment? Never heard of it.

More cool stuff. More fancy food. More love from my partner. More money from my employer. More space in my home. More friends to surround myself with. More. More. More. More.

If you want it, destroy everything else in an effort to get it. Never accept how things are, and never appreciate what you already have. It may be enough for a moment, but there is always more out there for you. Who cares who you hurt along the way, including your own self?

3. Always compare yourself to others.

Why do they get the fancy house, the fancy car, the perfect children, the endless vacations, and other things that they portray on their Facebook and Instagram? Their life looks picture perfect, and since that’s all they show the public, that must mean that it’s how their life really is. No hidden imperfections, just perfect life, all the time.

My life sucks, in comparison. I can’t seem to get what they have. The only way to obtain the unhappiness I aim for is to always think like this. My life will never be good enough, as I want everyone outside of myself to look at my life and think the same thing: wow, he has the perfect life.

I won’t settle for less.

I hope this guide will help you to never find happiness in your life; to never live in the moment; to never be content; to never stop pushing yourself to the limit to achieve that perfect life you dream of.

Is it worth it? No.

But, that certainly doesn’t stop the majority of the human population from trying it, time and time again.

Why should you be any different?

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