Hi! My name is Kaleb, but I go by “Íseldr” in all my online circles. Íseldr is an Old Norse compound word I made that literally means “ice fire”. I chose it because I thought it sounded cool (and I still think it does) but it started to take on a deeper meaning as time went on: a balance between the opposing forces within my own soul.

In my personal life, I’m a devoted husband and father of two. I am a tech nerd, professionally, and therefore I both love and hate computers. I am what you could call a “serial hobbyist”, where I find what draws me in, learn as much about it as I can in a short period of time, get decent at it, then move on to three new things (Looking at you, crocheting. I’m sorry), retaining but expanding, all the time.

My blog, Wisdom Wandering, is kind of the spiritual and philosophical version of that. I was raised a Christian, but left that moniker behind a few years back, turning to atheism, then druidry, then paganism, then polytheism, then buddhism, and on and on, in an ultimate attempt to forge my own path – a path that draws from multiple sources, not just one, because there is so much wisdom in this world that we are deprived of when we look to only one path out of the many that exist.

I blog because I know I’m not the only one that has the innate goal to learn and grow as much as I can as a compassionate human being, in the time I’m allotted on this planet.

My goal with this blog is simple. I want to bring together ideas and nuggets of wisdom, gathering with other wisdom-seekers from around the globe, to create a community of folks who want to grow, learn, love, and change the world around them. Science and social activism continue to grow – and that is a fantastic, worthy endeavor – but often we leave behind a part of us that is just as worthy of cultivation and efforts to grow and change, and that part of us is our soul. Wisdom exists everywhere, and our souls hunger for it. That will be this blog’s primary focus.

Want to join me on this awesome journey? Make sure to keep an eye on this blog for future updates! And, make sure to follow me on social media!

If you want to support this blog, the easiest way is to Buy Me a Coffee!